Suriname | Radio Music
On you can listen to radio music from Suriname. At this point you can learn more about the country: Suriname is a country on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America. It is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Guyana to the west and Brazil to the south.
Radio Music from Suriname?
Official name: Republic of Suriname
Polity: ?
Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
Independence: 25.11.1975
More Details for Suriname
The language is Dutch. The capital of Suriname is Paramaribo. The country has an area of 163.820 kmē (for comparison: United Kingdom 315.093 kmē). In Suriname there is a population of 541.638 and 242.946 only in Paramaribo. The currency is Surinamese dollar (SRD) ...
Education in Suriname
Health expenditure
? - at a density of doctor: ? - and ? hospital beds per capita
Information for tourists and expatriates
Per year a resident earned (GDP per capita): ?
Total gross domestic product as an indicator of prosperity: ?
The unemployment rate was: ?
Was is with the economy?
Percentage of public debt: ?
External public debt in US dollars: ?
Exports: ?
Imports: ?
Foreign exchange and gold reserves: ?
Military spending: ?
Easily listen to online radio ...
Mobile phones: ?
Internet users: ?
Number of airports: ?
Major places of Suriname Radios
Acaribo; Abenaston; Albina; Alliance; Anapaike; Apetina; Apoera; Aurora; Batavia; Benzdorp; Bitagron; Boskamp; Botopasi; Brokopondo; Brownsweg; Corneliskondre; Cottica; Djumu; Friendship; Goddo; Groningen; Jenny; Kajana; Kwakoegron; Kwamalasamutu; Lelydorp; Lebidoti; Moengo; Nieuw Amsterdam; Nieuw Jacobkondre; Nieuw Nickerie; Onverwacht; Paramaribo (Capital and largest city); Paranam; Pelelu Tepu